Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Channeling My Inner Rita

Channeling My Inner Rita

She was bustling around the cafeteria, retired after 35 years in administration, working still, loving being active and on her feet. "I love cleaning!", she said. I looked at her. Really? How refreshing to find joy in this unpleasant task. I believe it was the same year some friends had gotten together to celebrate the holidays. While sharing our lives that contained many hardships, a friend announces that the word Joy kept coming up while reading prayers and elsewhere in her everyday life. She thought we all looked at her like she was crazy to suggest that we find joy amidst our daunting trials in life! However, I filed that message in my consciousness and decided soon thereafter to rediscover that little three letter word. It IS a fruit of the Holy Spirit : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. It is even listed second, right behind the most important....Love.......
Rita also volunteered at Hospice, caring for those near the end of life. "Wow, how do you do that? It takes a special person....."  Rita empowered others, " You know, you should consider volunteering there, you would be good at that". I filed that as well for....later.

That little word, Joy, started popping up in my readings and in my daily life as well; as I tried to incorporate it, even during obstacles, even despite trials, as we are told to do. There is Grace available to us in this decision. We are also able to offer our sufferings up to God for another person's sufferings to obtain Grace and strength for them.

Life Experience:  Rita found joy in her work and in her daily life despite what she was suffering physically and internally. I visited her in the hospital with another co-worker a few days before she passed away.  Even though it was difficult for her to breathe, she was asking us about work and our lives. She missed being there and we missed her.  At her funeral service, the minister spoke about how Rita had found Joy in her life.  It made an impression.

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