Tuesday, October 20, 2015

You Can't Make This Up

Good advice and wisdom can come from likely as well as unlikely sources.  God reaches us through obvious and not-so-obvious persons or places.  I have been reading a little bit from a lot of different books and magazines, spiritual and non-spiritual.  As much as I pause to admit it, while reading through a recent Health Magazine, I was impressed by some sage wisdom.

 "One thing I've learned is that negativity comes from a place of unhappiness and insecurity. When I find myself in the crosshairs of it, I remind myself of this and send love to the haters.  And I know that as long as I have strength of heart, mind, body and soul, all things are possible."  Well said, Khloe Kardashian.  If we can truly love, we can empower ourselves while taking away the power of the destructive thoughts or behaviors of others.

 No one can take away from us what is in our heart.  It reminds me of the writings of  Viktor Frankl in Man's Search for Meaning.  He survived the cruelty of Auschwitz by keeping a deep hope, knowing that alive or dead, the tormentors could not take his spirit.  Life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.  If he lost hope, he would surely die; if he had a "why", then he might find a way to survive. Very profound. 

 We can find  many ways of living with purpose in our daily lives. Sometimes, we just need to listen and take note of the people with which we have the opportunity to interact.  Maybe we will notice the valuable lessons and insights that the experience will offer to us.
   I have been attending a prayer and study group that is addressing this very topic.  Today we discussed our roles in helping the needy and homeless.  One group member offered her desire to be more hands-on, another wishing not to pre-judge, another to not be judgemental of another's financial distress.  Do we fear having our own personal space encroached upon?  Do we assume when approached in a lower income neighborhood, that we will be mugged? What other pre-conceived notions do we have? 

Life Experience:  I had to leave the meeting a little early to pick my parents up from one appointment to shuttle them to another.  We had time to grab breakfast in between.  As I was preparing to turn left, we spontaneously changed our minds on the restaurant choice.  I quickly got in the other lane and made our way to the destination.  As soon as we parked, three ladies materialized, seemingly out of nowhere. As they were approaching, I was quickly preparing for some sort of confrontation. 
I was feeling a little protective of my aging father and guarding my purse a little bit.  The young lady started requesting donations for a program at her church that treats those with drug addictions.  With much conviction, she states that ONLY through Jesus, can a person overcome an addiction.  They have open beds because not many will truly accept Christ in their hearts to embark on the road to recovery. My dad and I open our wallets and offer her small donations.   This little lady started to warm my heart. I decided to let her into mine, to be open to speak with her.  Why not?  Isn't this what we just discussed, literally moments ago?  I asked how long she had been clean.  Proudly she stated nine months.  God love her.  This is something so close to my own heart.  I truly pray that this child of God makes it successfully.  I turned to go in, but turned back to her to share more of my personal experience with a loved one that has 19 months of success .  She said she would pray for me, and I said I would return the favor.  She offered a hug.  I gladly complied. A complete stranger, a very ironic coincidence.  Uncanny timing.  I just love God's sense of humor. 

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