Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Take Away Just One Thing

Bored with going to Mass? Simple answer....we all wait to hear the response from a very enthusiastic Matthew Kelly....Simply walk in and pray, " God, please give me just one message, one thing that I can take away from this service. One song, one message, one person that speaks to me." He guarantees that it will happen. How often has that happened to you? How often do we forget these amazing gifts of grace that God himself hands us on a silver platter? Matthew continues...Be proactive; write these weekly occurrences in a journal and refer to them when necessary. When you check back, they will speak to you again. You will discover prayers answered, problems solved, difficulties that you may still be working on. Very simple, yet this action may lead to something very profound as well. He states that he has years of Mass journals to which he refers when the need arises. That was the one thing that stood out to me, one thing that I took away, amidst the wealth of inspiration provided in this day of reflection.

Life Experience:  There are numerous times when I have had a burning question, a doubt, or a difficulty that has been addressed while attending Mass. Many times, it is when I have also been given an inner nudge to attend in the first place. A hymn that speaks to me will bring a smile or a tear, giving me the verification that He is listening. While listening to the Gospel or Homily, an answer of help in dealing with a current struggle is answered. Sometimes, it has happened when I had been drifting off in my thoughts and the message wakes me up, calling attention to itself. That is why we are called to be there. We are not perfect; we are sinners. We are not there because we are perfect Christians, we are there to humbly accept God's love and grace. God calls us to be present, and bestows on us His gifts.

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