Saturday, September 10, 2016

So Many Signs

Is it really true that our loved ones are able to send us signs through nature when they have passed away?  Is it God Himself  signaling us that we are on the right, or perhaps, wrong path?

There are many stories that certainly appear to involve a spiritual message from a living/visible source of energy surrounding us.  It may present as a  butterfly, a cardinal, or a rose showing up at a time when we are in need of some confirmation.  Others will hear a certain song come across the radio that tells them a loved one is listening and perhaps communicating that things will work out; or letting us know that they are in a very happy place.  It is so fascinating to experience the feeling that we are truly connected to the spiritual world and that this is the only way to concretely visualize a message, with our limited senses in our physical bodies.  It seems to be a way of helping us to trust, causing an emotional boost, as well as a physical verification in the form of goosebumps or bringing on a  smile of confirmation.

Life Experience:   I began seeing signs presented in the form of Cardinals last winter after I had prayed through my grandmother for answers and help in a family situation.  Cardinal pictures and statues would turn up in the oddest places, that would make me pause to think that it was a sign she was listening and perhaps working on the situation.
Later that Spring as my dad was living his last days, again the signs of  Cardinals began appearing.  There were red birds singing outside his window at the nursing home as well as a beautiful concert during his burial in the trees above the gravesite.  A male and a female cardinal swooped down in front of my sister's car and flew off in opposite directions as she was driving my mom home after his passing. Another showed up looking into my sister's window.  Many have shown up randomly at various places and times that seem to be significant, as a presence that is aware of the happenings on Earth.  I was sent a saying from a friend that read: When a Cardinal appears, an angel is near. 


Friday, January 22, 2016

At Our Very 'Cor'

In his study, "The Hidden Messages in Water", Masaru Emoto takes photos of water under magnification at the moment it freezes as it is being exposed to various outside stimuli.  The experiment is attempting to show how the molecular structure of water might  be altered when exposed to positive/soothing thoughts and words as well as negative/harsh sounds or words. The resulting photos consist of many beautiful and interesting crystal formations as well as those that look very distorted and polluted.

 While the results of this study are questionable or the findings controversial, it gives me pause to think more about the amazing physical and spiritual body that we are given.  Our human body consists of  an average of 57-60% water, with the heart, lungs and brain actually consisting of a  higher percentage.  If changes occur as a result of stimuli like the water study depicts at a cellular level, does this give us indication how we are hurt as well as how we are healed?  As a bit of a stretch, if this happens over a long period of time, does it affect our very molecular structure?
What happens to those who are abused, imprisoned, bullied?  On the other hand, if we are spoken to
with admiration and love, how does that effect our molecular makeup?

Human beings start as cells and evolve from these microscopic structures that then make up all of our organs, including our heart and brain. When harsh words are spoken or shouted at us, it can cause us to react in various ways. We can truly feel the hurt in our chest.  When we are grieving it feels like a true heartache. There are certainly physical ramifications of various emotional strains. It can cause us to fight or withdraw.  On the other hand, when kind words are spoken or affirmations are given, we feel a sense of calm and relaxation.  We feel a sense of empowerment and love.

Another example of the beautiful gift of life at a cellular level is the protein laminin that is part of the extracellular matrix.  Laminin essentially"glues" cells to a foundation in connective tissue. It keeps cells in place and allows them to function properly.  The structure of laminin is in the form of a cross.  It has been used as a religious teaching to show the symbolism of Christ and His suffering.  He is holding us together bodily, and in spirit, even at a cellular level.

Life Experience:  I attended a breakout session during the lunch period at a business convention that would address our "Cut It Out" program to fight domestic violence.  The speaker was the best I have ever heard.  This was about ten years ago, but I still remember what an impression she made.  This woman had been a victim herself and was working in a crisis center for women and children in the South.  She relayed stories to help her audience understand what can happen to women and children, why they stay in intolerable situations, and how others can help or give assistance to them.  I do not believe there was a dry eye in the large conference room.  It was at that time that she very eloquently described the Japanese water study by Dr. Emoto. She showed the slides of the individual crystals and presented the 'what ifs' of how people might be affected by our own words, our tone, our volume.  It helped me to understand how we can break down or build up others. I always wanted to remember what she had conveyed that day.  Before I wrote this, I worked to look up the crisis center  online as I tried to recall the woman's name, but came up short.  I believe I will come across my packet from that meeting one day to recall her name and reread my notes, but for now, she stands as someone who made an impact and a difference in more lives than she is aware.  She certainly turned her suffering around to heal herself and then used her experience to minister to others.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Consider the Source

After running into a high school classmate that I had not see in approximately 22 years, we began to catch up on what was going on in our lives.  She was proud to tell me that her nursing career led her to become what was akin to an 'Erin Brokovich' in her industry.  She then whispered an aside to me, 'I wish I could tell our school counselor what I have accomplished.'  She had been told that according to  standardized test results offering career guidance, the indication was that she had only limited choices.   The counselor read from the page:  'You could be a bus driver,' in a condescending/attempt- at- humor tone.  Being a bus driver is an admirable profession as well, and many lives can be touched in this job. Skills are necessary for this career if this is your calling; but the way it was presented did not sit well at the time; and also had not left this person's memory after many years.  This lady passed away not long after I saw her.  I wonder, in awe, what additional wisdom she has now?

Many, if not each and every one of us, has more than likely faced  this type of experience.  Being told that we do not stack up, that we should put a cap on our dreams and goals, or that we do not seem to fit into some sort of  pre-conceived grid or chart.

How do we perceive ourselves?  Isn't this what truly matters?  As is typical;  I left my weekly prayer discussion on this topic.  Immediately, confirmation and further meditation on the subject jumped right into my hands.  As I checked my email, the first one I opened was from an Oprah book club suggestion entitled:   "Five Journal Prompts that Change the Way You See Yourself."  Amazing. There are some awesome ideas on  self-evaluation and on becoming who you are meant to be in this  journal- formatted book by Meera Lee Patel. 
 Today, while contemplating this topic, I picked up Jesus Calling for the advice from yesterday's entry that I had not read.  ...."Begin by practicing discipline in all the little disappointments of daily life.  It is often these minor setbacks that draw you away from My Presence.  When you reframe setbacks as opportunities you find that you gain much more than you have lost..."

Matthew Kelly  has addressed this topic as he encourages us to be the best version of ourselves.  He suggests that parents make sure to teach and encourage their children to be comfortable to be  in their own company, to develop a strong sense of self, so that when they are at the mercy of their peer group, they can learn to walk away.  Help them to do this by learning to listen to God, by leaving a place in every day for silence and prayer. This will help them to block out the noise of the  negative comments and actions of others.  To be who they want and choose to be.

Life Experience: He handed my spelling book back after making corrections, only after carving his rendition of my eyeglasses and stating how ugly he thought I was in pen on the front of my book.  The book that I would have to see every week in the sixth grade.  I can laugh now, after contacts and blow dryers were invented, as well as having a pretty good self esteem. Interesting to note, I heard that this mean person never changed.  He stole from a friend  who had entrusted him to do some construction work on her home.
 She was driving to the hospital, rehearsing the steps in the delivery, what would be needed to accomplish breathing in the very tiny life that would be arriving soon.  This, after many years in various positions as an RN.  Dialysis, Dialysis equipment sales, re-entering the workforce after raising children, earning the prestigious Daisy Award while taking care of the most vulnerable neonates.  She had been told she was a slow learner, she was placed in what was called the 'Animal Group' in the eighth grade.  What if she had listened?  Look at the lives she has touched and saved. What others say can deflate us if we let them; or we can ignore and let it motivate us. The memory of the disparaging remark may well last a life time, but we can choose to not allow it to sting forever.
Sometimes, it takes many years to get validation.  Stay the course. Believe in Yourself. Dream Big.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Fall

Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin.  God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you.  He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff---including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.  Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to SHINE for all the world to see!  Happy Fall and God Bless You!
*author unknown


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Simply Believe

"Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven, Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me."
Matthew 18:3-5.

Not only are children innocent; they are born completely dependent on us and are naturally trusting of us. They need someone to take care of them, feeding and nurturing. As adults, we need to revert back to this childlike innocence of placing our trust in Him many times in our lifetime.  This acceptance and surrender pleases God.  It is difficult when we are attempting to control  various aspects of our lives.  Do we sometimes streamline our prayers into what we want an outcome to be, or do we pray and then accept God's will for that given situation?  Do we keep God out of what we consider some of the private aspects of our lives, but let Him in where and when we feel we need Him?  It is similar to our children asking us for permission for something, thanking us for a favor, or asking for guidance. When my children come to me with any of these things, I welcome the communication.  This perhaps gives some insight as to how God, our Father, might like to hear from us as we pray to Him.

Life Experience:  I came across a story about the first Eucharistic Miracle that took place in  the 8th Century in a small town near the Adriatic Sea in Italy.  The occurrence that took place in this tiny church by a questioning monk fascinated me.  Since my husband had shared with me that he would love for me to go to Italy with him one day, I shared with him that if I did, I thought it would be wonderful to visit the church and view the miracle that is intact some 1,300 years later. 
 Years passed; I visited an exhibit on the many Eucharistic miracles that have occurred over the centuries.  I found the Lanciano story.  More years went by. My husband had business to attend to in Italy, and asked if I  would  accompany him this time.  I replied,  "Let me know every place that you will visit, and I will think about it."  He gave me his list of about four areas where there were companies that he would visit. The only city that was on the Adriatic side was the town of  Pescara.  I eagerly searched a map.  Low and behold, the tiny town of Lanciano was a very short distance from where he needed to be! After all of this time, a secret wish that was filed away as a wild card dream would come to fruition.
 While enjoying dinner with our faith-filled Italian friends,  I enthusiastically started a discussion  about the visit we were planning while visiting their country, and what I had read about the scientific evidence regarding the Shroud of Turin and the Miracle at Lanciano. I started by wishing to discuss the  incredible facts: the age of the specimens, the blood typing and chemistry, and....Franco interjects, no, you Just Believe.....I wish to continue: I know, but it is amazing the centuries that have passed, it is all intact, the fact that the blood studies, you Just Believe, he says again with much conviction, no discussion.  He stopped me in my tracks, to give pause to think. Do you really need evidence?  Will you always have or ever really need the proof?   Simply believe. Be childlike, trust, accept, and know in your heart.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

You Can't Make This Up

Good advice and wisdom can come from likely as well as unlikely sources.  God reaches us through obvious and not-so-obvious persons or places.  I have been reading a little bit from a lot of different books and magazines, spiritual and non-spiritual.  As much as I pause to admit it, while reading through a recent Health Magazine, I was impressed by some sage wisdom.

 "One thing I've learned is that negativity comes from a place of unhappiness and insecurity. When I find myself in the crosshairs of it, I remind myself of this and send love to the haters.  And I know that as long as I have strength of heart, mind, body and soul, all things are possible."  Well said, Khloe Kardashian.  If we can truly love, we can empower ourselves while taking away the power of the destructive thoughts or behaviors of others.

 No one can take away from us what is in our heart.  It reminds me of the writings of  Viktor Frankl in Man's Search for Meaning.  He survived the cruelty of Auschwitz by keeping a deep hope, knowing that alive or dead, the tormentors could not take his spirit.  Life never ceases to have meaning, even in suffering and death.  If he lost hope, he would surely die; if he had a "why", then he might find a way to survive. Very profound. 

 We can find  many ways of living with purpose in our daily lives. Sometimes, we just need to listen and take note of the people with which we have the opportunity to interact.  Maybe we will notice the valuable lessons and insights that the experience will offer to us.
   I have been attending a prayer and study group that is addressing this very topic.  Today we discussed our roles in helping the needy and homeless.  One group member offered her desire to be more hands-on, another wishing not to pre-judge, another to not be judgemental of another's financial distress.  Do we fear having our own personal space encroached upon?  Do we assume when approached in a lower income neighborhood, that we will be mugged? What other pre-conceived notions do we have? 

Life Experience:  I had to leave the meeting a little early to pick my parents up from one appointment to shuttle them to another.  We had time to grab breakfast in between.  As I was preparing to turn left, we spontaneously changed our minds on the restaurant choice.  I quickly got in the other lane and made our way to the destination.  As soon as we parked, three ladies materialized, seemingly out of nowhere. As they were approaching, I was quickly preparing for some sort of confrontation. 
I was feeling a little protective of my aging father and guarding my purse a little bit.  The young lady started requesting donations for a program at her church that treats those with drug addictions.  With much conviction, she states that ONLY through Jesus, can a person overcome an addiction.  They have open beds because not many will truly accept Christ in their hearts to embark on the road to recovery. My dad and I open our wallets and offer her small donations.   This little lady started to warm my heart. I decided to let her into mine, to be open to speak with her.  Why not?  Isn't this what we just discussed, literally moments ago?  I asked how long she had been clean.  Proudly she stated nine months.  God love her.  This is something so close to my own heart.  I truly pray that this child of God makes it successfully.  I turned to go in, but turned back to her to share more of my personal experience with a loved one that has 19 months of success .  She said she would pray for me, and I said I would return the favor.  She offered a hug.  I gladly complied. A complete stranger, a very ironic coincidence.  Uncanny timing.  I just love God's sense of humor. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Take Away Just One Thing

Bored with going to Mass? Simple answer....we all wait to hear the response from a very enthusiastic Matthew Kelly....Simply walk in and pray, " God, please give me just one message, one thing that I can take away from this service. One song, one message, one person that speaks to me." He guarantees that it will happen. How often has that happened to you? How often do we forget these amazing gifts of grace that God himself hands us on a silver platter? Matthew continues...Be proactive; write these weekly occurrences in a journal and refer to them when necessary. When you check back, they will speak to you again. You will discover prayers answered, problems solved, difficulties that you may still be working on. Very simple, yet this action may lead to something very profound as well. He states that he has years of Mass journals to which he refers when the need arises. That was the one thing that stood out to me, one thing that I took away, amidst the wealth of inspiration provided in this day of reflection.

Life Experience:  There are numerous times when I have had a burning question, a doubt, or a difficulty that has been addressed while attending Mass. Many times, it is when I have also been given an inner nudge to attend in the first place. A hymn that speaks to me will bring a smile or a tear, giving me the verification that He is listening. While listening to the Gospel or Homily, an answer of help in dealing with a current struggle is answered. Sometimes, it has happened when I had been drifting off in my thoughts and the message wakes me up, calling attention to itself. That is why we are called to be there. We are not perfect; we are sinners. We are not there because we are perfect Christians, we are there to humbly accept God's love and grace. God calls us to be present, and bestows on us His gifts.